Wicker bike basket, white with click closure 41
Product dimensions: 41x36 H-23/30/40
Wicker bike basket with leather straps 35
Product dimensions: 35x32/21x18 H-22
Wicker bike basket, white with leather straps 35
Product dimensions: 35x32/21x18
Wicker bike basket with leather straps 41
Product dimensions: 41x30/30x21 H-24/29/42
Wicker bike basket with click closure 35
Product dimensions: 35x24 H-23/38
Wicker bike basket with leather straps 42
Product dimensions: 42x38/27x21 H-23
Wicker bike basket with click closure 40
Product dimensions: 40x33 H-23/40
Wicker bike basket with click closure 46
Product dimensions: 46x34 H-22/30/39