
Wicker gift basket, Potaczała 35

Wicker gift basket, Potaczała 35

Product dimensions: 35x28 H-15/17/33

8.94 € / pc.
Tacka owalna na chleb okienko 30
4.82 € / szt.
Tacka owalna na chleb okienko 33

Tacka owalna na chleb okienko 33

Wymiary: 33x26 H-10/12

5.65 € / szt.
Wicker fruit basket, Owocarka 30

Wicker fruit basket, Owocarka 30

Product dimensions: fi 30  H-10/27

13.18 € / pc.
Wicker pet carrier, white 60

Wicker pet carrier, white 60

Product dimensions: 60x54 H-49

39.06 € / pc.
Wicker shopping basket, Ugięty 45

Wicker shopping basket, Ugięty 45

Product dimensions: 45x35 H-23/26/39

19.76 € / pc.
Wicker flower pot 37

Wicker flower pot 37

Product dimensions: 37x19 H-11

5.18 € / pc.
Wicker shopping basket, Wiatrak 46

Wicker shopping basket, Wiatrak 46

Product dimensions: 46x32 H-22/34

25.18 € / pc.
Wicker pirate chest, without a rim 100

Wicker pirate chest, without a rim 100

Product dimensions: 100x58  H-58

116.47 € / pc.
Wicker pirate chest, without a rim 90

Wicker pirate chest, without a rim 90

Product dimensions: 90x55  H-60

108.24 € / pc.
Wicker pirate chest, without a rim 80

Wicker pirate chest, without a rim 80

Product dimensions: 80x52, H-44/50

86.59 € / pc.
Wicker pirate chest, without a rim 70

Wicker pirate chest, without a rim 70

Product dimensions: 70x43, H-41/51

69.41 € / pc.
Wicker fireplace basket with jute lined 70

Wicker fireplace basket with jute lined 70

Product dimensions: 70x47 H-25/47

32.71 € / pc.
Wicker fireplace basket with jute lined, white 62

Wicker fireplace basket with jute lined, white 62

Product dimensions: 62x39 H-24/42

28.00 € / pc.
Wicker shopping basket 56

Wicker shopping basket 56

Product dimensions: 56x37 H-21/25/40

24.00 € / pc.
Wicker shopping basket, colorful, Szwed 43

Wicker shopping basket, colorful, Szwed 43

Product dimensions: 43x32 H-20/24/39

19.29 € / pc.
Wicker shopping cart

Wicker shopping cart

Product dimensions: 47x37 H-59/100               

49.41 € / pc.
Wicker shopping basket 40

Wicker shopping basket 40

Product dimensions: 40x20  H-25/44

17.65 € / pc.
Wicker shopping basket, Samochodowy 48

Wicker shopping basket, Samochodowy 48

Product dimensions: 48x37 H-23/35

21.88 € / pc.
Wicker shopping basket, openwork, Węgier 36

Wicker shopping basket, openwork, Węgier 36

Product dimensions: 36x25 H-25/37

17.65 € / pc.
Wicker shopping basket, openwork, Węgier 44

Wicker shopping basket, openwork, Węgier 44

Product dimensions: 44x35 H-29/42

21.65 € / pc.
Wicker fireplace basket, white with jute lined, Brewa 60
43.53 € / pc.
Wicker fireplace basket 51

Wicker fireplace basket 51

Product dimensions: 51x36 H-29/42

24.00 € / pc.
Wicker fireplace basket with jute lined 40

Wicker fireplace basket with jute lined 40

Product dimensions: 40x29 H-19/33

30.59 € / pc.
Wicker laundry hamper, 2 section 66

Wicker laundry hamper, 2 section 66

Product dimensions: 66x40 H-60

92.94 € / pc.
Wicker fireplace basket with metal reinforcement on sides 78
36.71 € / pc.
Wicker fireplace basket with metal reinforcement on sides 72
28.94 € / pc.
Wicker shopping basket, Miastowy 42

Wicker shopping basket, Miastowy 42

Product dimensions: 42x32  H-20/42

18.12 € / pc.
Bird nesting box, wooden

Bird nesting box, wooden

Product dimensions: 13x16/20x18  H-22/28

6.12 € / pc.
Wicker shopping basket, Spuchnięty 45

Wicker shopping basket, Spuchnięty 45

Product dimensions: 45x26 H-24/42

16.47 € / pc.